Personal injury cases cover a wide range of mishaps and can be very complicated legal issues in many instances. Automobile accidents are a prime example of how claims can get complicated, even though there is a police report filed in association with any resulting injury claims. The official filing establishes the fact that an accident occurred, but it may also show that multiple parties are involved as well. This can give a respondent insurance company a reason to deny a claim in certain situations. It will also list the individuals involved and any transporting of the injured passengers to a medical facility. Premises liability cases can be similar if emergency medical care is necessary, and many times these injuries begin by contacting the owner or operator of a business. But, injuries that occur on personal property can differ because the property owner or occupant is not always immediately available. And, there is always the issue of personal contribution to the causation of the accident. But, in general, the proper steps to take following an injury are similar.
1. Seek Medical Treatment Immediately
When serious personal injury cases require first responder attention there will be official documentation that indicates what transpired during the accident and who was taken for emergency medical attention. But, there are often others injured in an accident that may not seem so serious. Even when your injuries are not immediately apparent, it is still very important to seek medical attention from a designated care facility as soon as possible. Documentation establishing that medical treatment was necessary is vital information in all personal injury cases. In addition, this will also corroborate the time frame in association with any official report and provide a medical evaluation by treatment professionals.
2. Collect the Documentation
It is very important to have the information gathered that will support the injury claim. If there is an accident report, it is central to the claim. Other documentation can include the ambulance record, along with all immediate diagnosis and prognosis as determined by health professionals, which is usually a doctor.
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3. Make a Personal Log
Additional documentation can include a detailed account from yourself regarding what actually happened, but be very careful not to indicate or admit fault for the accident. This is a crucial negotiating point in the settlement of all personal injury cases. The ultimate purpose of this step is to ensure that all details of the accident and injury are reported, including pain measurement following the injury.
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4. Contact the Property Owner or Insurance Company
In an auto accident, the injured parties will know the insurance company of the driver potentially at fault. Contacting the respondent insurance company may be a good decision, especially if the case is obvious and replacement transportation is needed. In premises liability cases it is usually best to contact the owner, occupant, or business operator first, who then will contact the insurance company. However, when contacting an insurance company, never accept the first offer for a personal injury on the initial contact. This is a sign that you may have a more valuable case than you realize. It will also provide an indication of how difficult the insurance company will be in negotiation.
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5. Call an Attorney
It is never a good decision to attempt handling a personal injury claim without an experienced attorney who may be able to pursue multiple avenues of financial recovery. Not only can the cases be complicated in terms of personal negligence, but there may also be product liability claims available for serious injuries that occur due to unexplained accidents. The fault is the primary issue when a personal injury claim is being evaluated by the court, and many times the actual causation for an accident could rest on a product manufacturer.